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Thursday, January 3, 2013

Sunburst ☼ Wraps and DRAGONFRUIT!

Made these delicious wraps for our very dear friend who is a Medical Missionary for God and has been sharing from his abundance of knowledge with us about the Bible, prophecy and Health and Healing!

Sunburst ☼ Wraps~

1)Wash your collards and cut out the thick stem, stack and set aside

2) Slice into strips veggies you like, I used red pepper, carrot , avocado and mint leaves~ Other ideas would be jicama, cilantro, parsley, daikon, radish, etc...

2) Dip collard leaves in a frying pan of boiling water until softened

3) Place a few veggies in the center and then roll a bit, tuck in the sides and roll till complete, place on a plate seam side down (They should hold together~ mine did anyway)

4) Make your sauce! I made mine with an orange, some coconut aminos (soy sauce, or braggs), 1 clove chopped garlic, 1 tsp. grated ginger, 1 T. raw almond butter and stevia to taste....eNJOY ♥

I also love getting funky fruits and veggies from time to time for the kids to check out and try so this last time, we got this gorgeous beaut the dragon fruit! It is very cool looking, and maybe ours wasn't quite at it's truest flavor peak but it kind of tasted like a slimy, tangy cucumber with a hint of kiwi though not sweet at all.

Do something NEW right now! I am going to try a new juice combo in a min. I will post it later and enjoy YOUR New Year!~~~

♥ Jayme

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year!!!

Picture from McGlinn's Public House (Gorgeous, Awesome pictures  most every day follow them at

It's officially the end of 2012! Can it be true? Already!? My grandmother was right~ Time goes faster the older you get. The more I grow as a person the more I realize that it doesn't really bother me when I know I am living up to my full potential.

When I look back at what I HAVE accomplished in my life, I am amazed and happy about how far I've come. Sometimes I think, wow, I really need to do this and this and this, but.... what have I done in the last few years that I am proud of? I have 3 amazing children! I LOVE my husband more now than I ever have, we worked out some major issues and our marriage has survived 11 years so far! I am learning to walk closer with the Lord, spend more time in prayer. I went to massage school and am now a licensed Massage Therapist , had my own business for a while doing massage (which was fun), now I am focusing on being a stay at home Mom, Wife, and homeschooling Teacher, massage on the side for friends and family for now.

I am trying to eat and drink more raw and alkalizing, less and less cooked and acidic! I have succeeded in getting wheat, dairy and most refined  sugar out of my home (with the exception of Ezekiel sprouted grain breads) I really need to start making my own bread again. I try to juice every other day, green smoothies, etc... I am so happy for all I have accomplished and it should serve to give me motivation for more positive changes in times to come! =)

My top 10 Goals for 2013~

1) Have daily devotions for myself and my kids and as a family

2) More doing for others and less doing for self

3) Practice using endearing names for my husband (why is it so hard?!)

4) Give and receive more massage

5) Exercise every day in some way

6) Learn and eat more raw food recipes

7) Blog at least 2 times a week

8) Have people over for dinner more often

9) Play with the kids often


What are your Goals right now?! I pray that you have some amazing goals for this new year and that by God's grace you are able to come closer to where He wants you to be~

With Love and Joy to all of you~


Saturday, May 28, 2011

New News

Often times my goals are much loftier than what I actually accomplish....... oh well, I guess I'd rather be an over achiever than an under- one!

So much happens, so fast! I found out that I am pregnant with #3  in April..... so with that my hubby and I took our first vacation in the beginning of May this year... a week in Maui! We figured we had better because it will be a while before we have the chance to do this again, and our  kids are just the age to handle a week at grannies! We had an amazing time! Stayed at an awesome (low budget)B&B right on the ocean for 3 nights in Paia, then 2 nights in a super cool yurt with outdoor shower etc... in beautiful Hana, and then 2 nights at another great B&B in Kihei, 3 different areas of the island. The weather was perfect! The tropical fruit was soooo DeViNe~~~the beaches~~~ the water~~the swimming! I really miss perfect papaya for breakfast. Much needed, but we were so happy to see our kids when we got home! I did have a tiny bit of morning sickness while we were there but it really hit when we got home... so glad it mostly waited. Also I had taken the state boards for my massage license and the waited and waited and waited for it... it had arrived while we were on our trip! I'm excited that it finally showed up, but now that I'm pregnant with all this morning sickness I won't be able to do the part time massage like I had hoped...... yet! 

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Letting Go

I just asked a friend today what her goals are for the new year.... she had really thought it through and had several wonderful things in which she is going to work toward in 2011. She then asked me what mine were, sometimes I am more of a contemplative type person who really needs to think about how to lay this broad question out! I have thought of many things I have hopes for in this new year but not collectively ..... I have been thinking about this for the afternoon and evening and I have to say this year for me is hopefully going to be themed... Letting Go

Letting Go, Simplifying, Learning not to hold on to things I don't need or want in my life, so that I have more room for those things that I truly do!

Letting go of the over accumulation of "things" I have piled up in various places (attention basement!!!) in my home that do not get used and both consciously and unconsciously zap my energy.

Letting go of thoughts and fears that I have no control over and are affecting my well being... THIS is tough for me, I am a thinker and concocter of great tales and sometimes have difficulty in reining in my imagination. 

Letting go of expectations that don't mean something real to me and the person God created me to be.

This last year has been a crazy one to say the least! I made it through massage school, which was so good for me in so many ways, but also very stressful with the work load, having 2 young children and babysitting full time for 7 months of it! Then to top it all off my husband and I had been having a hard time the last couple years and as a last ditch effort to wake the dead, I filed for separation during the last month of school! Whew!! As I'm writing this I can hardly remember how I made it through! I am thankful to The Lord for loving me enough to shower his love and compassion on me despite myself!!

Things are going much better now! I had thought my marriage was over, but through prayer and a WHOLE LOT of forgiveness and love it is steadily growing better day by day. I have learned so many, many things in this last year, on a very deep level!

1) We should really never judge ANYONE, because we may very well find ourselves in that same situation one day and understand them more than ever! And sometimes the people we judge most harshly will oddly turn out to be the most compassionate.

2) Forgive people especially when it's really hard! It really does hurt you more than them to stay angry, but don't be fake about it and remember the things for which you have been forgiven! 

Just a couple of the many things I learned this last year! :)

As far as health is concerned I have been very good and I have been very bad this last year!! I went through a months where I was a juicing, mostly raw eating machine who was glowing and healthy, to the girl at her lowest place of eating unhealthful, alcohol and coffee drinking, smoking in the midst of a turbulent inner again juicing and eating very healthfully, exercising, deep breathing and most importantly praying and growing closer to God again day by day! Making better choices Living, Loving, and Learning to LET GO!:)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

A Cool Little Widget

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Kids see, Kids do ~~~~~

        We are all attached to our childhood..... some of us have many obstacles to overcome because of this! The great news is we  CAN  OVERCOME and learn new ways to BE and DO!! right? I love an exercise that a teacher of mine said would be great for anyone willing to do, to get to the core of who we are what makes us US, and WHY we believe what we do. Sit down and journal about your beliefs, all the beliefs that you hold within that you can think of and then go over them one by one and try and remember where you got the belief from? does this belief have relevance in your life now? and if not what are you going to replace that belief with ... because as he stated, us being the incredible creatures we are, can't just erase something from our memory we hold onto it all, and have to have a replacement for our changes... habits.... thoughts... ideas. I thought this was a really awesome, how many things we hold onto that are given to us by our parents  or parents parents.... are they really always right??! I think not. Am I always right... Of course! ha ha, no really, I think not!  
In terms of what I was taught as a child about nutrition and health..... was not much at all. Things that instantly come to mind as beliefs about food are the clean your plate mentality, or the IF you clean your plate, you get dessert... I have chosen to break out of that mold so far instead of these things I have adopted some healthy ideas that I use and think work pretty well for my me and family... when I'm home that is... my husband is still holding to some of these old patterns but I have planted a seed there! I eat mostly raw.... I do cook some food as my husband is not really into the raw food thing but is willing to try and enjoy some of the things I make and the kids are still tied to this as well a bit and I do eat something cooked on occasion when I'm out with friends, I'm hoping to change this though. I aspire to be a pure raw foodist and to incorporate the rules of food combining and my goal is that my whole family would be!So far what I have incorporated in their lives in the living foods realm are:

  • having fruit for breakfast
  • having a healthy dose of raw veggies for lunch along with part of a sandwich
  • when I make my raw food dishes.... having some on their plates to try and they have to take a few bites of everything new
  • lots of salads that they need to eat the portion of that I put on their plates before they can get down 
  • lots of praise for eating the very healthy foods especially salads and anything with greens
  • green smoothies for snacks or breakfast 
  • green apple juice with broccoli, parsley, cilantro etc.... 
  • making some raw desserts on occasion 
  • They are seeing me eating and enjoying healthy, living foods
  • I try and take my kids outside, and more recently on grey yucky looking days! I have always had the mind to stay in on days like this but I have found that it makes the bleak day very beautiful to get out there and find the natural wonders that are waiting! Like the other day it was grey and the fog was thick as whipped cream dancing through the valley, so I got the kids warm stuff together and packed some lunches and we headed to the river where we found many large flocks of birds/ducks coming and going, we ran over gravel lumps, splashed multiple sizes of rocks in the river, "shoe skated" on the ice patches in the grass... it was really a great day, and soooo much better than if we had stayed inside! I am Relearning to live!~ and many times met with opposition but I know this is right and awesome! Retrain  the brain, Retrain the brain, Retrain the brain ....  

Some recipes for really great and near astounding treats for kids:

~The frozen banana "ice cream"~

  • Take several frozen bananas and whip them in the food processor for 5 min, till very creamy. It is sooo simple and sooo amazing! It really is like having banana ice cream!! Sometimes I mix some frozen fruit with it and the kids loved it! The one below has frozen blueberries whipped in~

~Banana pops :)~
  • Another really great one is to halve bananas, poke a thick skewer that has been "de-sharpened" in the large end, roll in raw chocolate that has been melted and then roll in chopped nuts, seeds or whatever you like. 

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Soooo many IDEAS!!

YEAH! So many ideas in my brain, it's hard to sometimes get them out? Any one else feel this way? I just need to get some momentum going! I'm thinking...... what do I love to read about in these types of blogs? I love the personal journey, not way too wordy, (have some work to do there!!) raw honest truth about what someone is doing and how they feel, what works for them and there families, I love the beautiful and creative pictures, and words... to be INSPIRED to feel CONNECTED.... I hope to impart something of this in my blog, as there is NO one in my life I can think of who WOULDN'T be amazingly transformed by living this..... food we eat or don't eat can actually transform and return us to that which we are truly meant to be! It is sooo life altering, I have a full array of changes either already made or definitely in the works!

"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society"-Krishnamurti

I had to think about this a bit! It is so true! While I don't believe in shoving our own agendas down someones throat, I do believe in standing for what we believe, helping all we can and LIVING the example we want to share which is the best witness!!
This was a really delicious lunch!! Some organic romaine, Jennifer Cornbleet's Pat`e with some avocado and chopped red pepper!

Loving the Renegade Health Show!

Also has an AWESOME book out that I have read some of so far called High Raw at

In LOve with Life! Hoping you all have an inspiring day! :) Jayme